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Assignment Of Stock


AS EVIDENCED BY THE SIGNATURE(S) BELOW, [Seller], hereinafter referred to as Seller, does hereby sell, assign, and transfer to [Buyer], hereinafter referred to as Buyer, a number of shares of the stock of [Corporation], hereinafter referred to as the "Corporation". Such shares are presently standing in the name of said Seller on the books of the Corporation and equal [Number of shares] shares, represented by Certificate No. [Certificate Number].

FURTHER AGREED by the Seller to hereby irrevocably constitute and appoint [Attorney-in-fact] as attorney-in-fact to transfer all ownership rights and interests in connection with said stock, with full power of substitution in the premises.

FURTHER NOTED, for the record, that Seller is residing at [Address of Seller] upon the date of this agreement and Buyer is residing at [Address of Buyer] upon the date of agreement.



In the presence of:

Notary Public